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  • Here you have the guarantee to purchase at the best available price!
  • Special offers and promotions that you won't find elsewhere
  • Option to choose between B&B, half-board or full-board
  • Option to book Family rooms
  • 10% discount from the sixth night of stay onwards
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Thermal Spa

Deep Wellness

Thermal Spa

Deep Wellness

Thermal Spa

Deep Wellness

Thermal Spa

Deep Wellness

Thermal treatments

The Thermal Center of the hotel is classified as "Super Level" by the Regional Health Department and boasts prestigious awards.

The thermal water of Bagno di Romagna is a simple and natural remedy for preventing and treating acute and chronic respiratory tract disorders, improving the activity of the immune system, and restoring the normal physiological conditions of the upper and lower respiratory tract. The action of our waters helps defend against common colds, bronchitis, as well as damages caused by cigarette smoke and air pollution.

Fill out the form below to request information about the treatments

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