Discounts and special offers are available only by booking online through this official website.
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6 good reasons to book your stay on our official website.

  • Here you have the guarantee to purchase at the best available price!
  • Special offers and promotions that you won't find elsewhere
  • Option to choose between B&B, half-board or full-board
  • Option to book Family rooms
  • 10% discount from the sixth night of stay onwards
  • Secure transmission of your credit card and protection of your personal data

The Experiences

The Experiences

The Experiences


2 tennis courts in the immediate vicinity of the hotel.

For our guests, we have a "special price" agreement with the two tennis courts located 250 meters from the hotel, with synthetic surface and lighting system. Rackets and balls are provided free of charge by the instructor. During the summer, we offer our guests exclusive access to 1 hour of free lessons twice a week for both adults and children.