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  • Here you have the guarantee to purchase at the best available price!
  • Special offers and promotions that you won't find elsewhere
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Thermal Spa

Deep Wellness

Thermal Spa

Deep Wellness

Thermal Spa

Deep Wellness

Thermal Spa

Deep Wellness

Fisiokinesi Therapy & Neuromotor Rehabilitation

Our team of specialist doctors and thermal operators is able to provide the following services

Kotz Currents € 14.00
Diadynamic Currents € 14.00
Electrostimulation € 14.00
Analgesic Electrotherapy (TENS) € 14.00
Galvanic Currents € 14.00
Infrared Therapy € 14.00
Iontophoresis € 14.00
Kinesiotherapy € 34.00
Fascia Manipulation € 49.00
Laser Therapy (without operator) € 29.00
Partial Magnetotherapy € 19.00
Total Body Magnetotherapy € 29.00
Paraffin 2 Limbs € 29.00
Paraffin 4 Limbs € 39.00
Radarterapy € 14.00
Individual Rehabilitation in the Gym (Neurological, Orthopedic, Respiratory, Cardiological) atm - pnf - rpg (25 minutes) € 34.00
(40 minutes) € 49.00
(55 minutes) € 60.00
Ultrasound Therapy (without operator) € 14.00
Ultrasound Therapy (with operator) € 29.00
Ultraviolet Therapy € 14.00
Tecar Therapy (30 minutes) € 39.00
(45 minutes) € 54.00


Individual motor and circulatory rehabilitation in the thermal pool (with operator) (25 minutes) € 49.00
(40 minutes) € 64.00
(55 minutes) € 69.00
Preventive physiotherapy (25 minutes) € 34.00
Therapeutic free walking in the indoor thermal pool (Only possible after a cycle of physiotherapy) (30 minutes) € 14.00

For information and reservations, please contact the treatment booking office:
Tel. 0543 911414 - Press 3

Fill out the form below to request information about the treatments

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