Discounts and special offers are available only by booking online through this official website.
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6 good reasons to book your stay on our official website.

  • Here you have the guarantee to purchase at the best available price!
  • Special offers and promotions that you won't find elsewhere
  • Option to choose between B&B, half-board or full-board
  • Option to book Family rooms
  • 10% discount from the sixth night of stay onwards
  • Secure transmission of your credit card and protection of your personal data

Spa & Healty

Thermal water at 45°C just like in Giotto's time

Spa & Healty

Thermal water at 45°C just like in Giotto's time

Spa & Healty

Thermal water at 45°C just like in Giotto's time

Offers & Events at Euroterme

Discounts and special offers are available only by booking online from this official website.

  • Thermal Pool

    A bath with centuries-old traditions harnessing the healing power of thermal waters. The thermal water...

  • SPA

    Salus Per Aquam. Thermal Circuits of the Ròseo Euroterme Wellness Resort: sauna...

Thermal Spa

The thermal center located within Ròseo Euroterme Wellness Resort is classified by the Regional Health Department as "Super Level".

  • Thermal Spa

    The thermal center located within the Ròseo Euroterme Wellness Resort is classified as "Level Super" by the Regional Health Department.

  • Thermal treatments

    The Thermal Center of the hotel is classified as "Super Level" by the Regional Health Department and boasts prestigious awards.


  • Mud Theapy

    Mud therapy involves applying mud, which is a mixture of clay and thermal water, directly to the affected part of the body.