Discounts and special offers are available only by booking online through this official website.
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6 good reasons to book your stay on our official website.

  • Here you have the guarantee to purchase at the best available price!
  • Special offers and promotions that you won't find elsewhere
  • Option to choose between B&B, half-board or full-board
  • Option to book Family rooms
  • 10% discount from the sixth night of stay onwards
  • Secure transmission of your credit card and protection of your personal data


  • Trekking

    The majority of the territory of Bagno di Romagna offers vast natural spaces rich in flora and fauna.

    There are numerous routes that can be undertaken, from easy walks for the less experienced to longer and more challenging trails.

    The Foresta della Lama and the Riserva Naturale Integrale di Sassofratino are preserved by the "Parco Nazionale delle Foreste Casentinesi Monte Falterona e Campigna" (National Park of Casentino Forests, Monte Falterona, and Campigna).

    All accompanied by experienced guides from the Park.

  • E-Bike

    Ready to experience a unique nature adventure?

    Immerse yourself in the Casentino Forests National Park!

    No panoramas are unreachable when riding our e-bikes.
    Starting today, you can rent your own e-bike at the hotel lobby for a cost of €30 for a half day, available every day!

    Reservation is recommended.
    You can book now by sending an email to

  • Horse Riding

    Fattoria Ca' di Gianni boasts the only equestrian center in Bagno di Romagna.

    Nestled in a splendid green landscape and with qualified instructors will help you and your children get to know these magnificent animals.
    Experienced riders can also rent a horse and wander through the green forests of the Casentino Forests National Park at their own leisure.
    Those who prefer can enjoy the company of a specialized guide to discover the most interesting trails in the area.
    In fact, the fourteen horses in the equestrian center are suitable for riders of all levels: gentle horses for beginners and sporty horses for the more experienced.

    All of this is under the watchful eye of Davide, the manager of the equestrian center, who has been working with these animals for a lifetime and loves them as much as himself. He is a skilled instructor for both adults and children.

  • Tennis

    2 tennis courts in the immediate vicinity of the hotel.

    For our guests, we have a "special price" agreement with the two tennis courts located 250 meters from the hotel, with synthetic surface and lighting system. Rackets and balls are provided free of charge by the instructor. During the summer, we offer our guests exclusive access to 1 hour of free lessons twice a week for both adults and children.