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Covid-19 Thermal Center Procedures

Procedures and behavioral norms for thermal treatments

Medical Visit:
The medical visit must be booked in advance, and if you already have a prescription, you can call the spa secretary at the number 0543911414 extension 3.

Medical visits will be scheduled by the secretary every 30 minutes to allow for body temperature measurement, a comprehensive medical history including COVID-19 triage, medical prescription, and to allow time for the clinic to be sanitized and ventilated after each patient.

The patient can access the medical clinic only after sanitizing their hands and wearing a mask, which is mandatory for adults and children above 6 years old.

Note: In cases where first aid is required, the ongoing medical visits will be suspended, and the reservation office will reschedule the remaining visits.

Thermal Treatments

Access to Treatment Departments:

Patients must sanitize their hands at the designated dispensers located at the entrance of the departments, wear a mask, have undergone a medical visit, and wait to be called by the operator.

Inhalation Treatments:

The inhalation department can accommodate up to 25 patients every 40 minutes, with controlled access to ensure social distancing among patients.

Treatment methods involving inhalation, nebulization, and thermal cave are not allowed.

At the end of each session, the operator will ventilate the department, clean and sanitize individual stations.

Lung Ventilation:
The lung ventilation department can accommodate up to 2 patients every 30 minutes. At the end of each session, the operator will ventilate the department, clean, and sanitize individual stations.

Rhinogenic Deafness:

In the rhinogenic deafness department, only one tympanostomy tube insufflation will be performed every 30 minutes.

At the end of each session, the operator will clean, sanitize the instruments, and ventilate the department.

Mud Treatment, Balneotherapy, Vascular Hydrotherapy:

Patients accessing the mud bath and vascular hydrotherapy departments, in addition to sanitizing their hands at the entrance of the department and wearing a mask, must take a cleansing shower and wait to be called by the spa operator. Access to the department is regulated to ensure compliance with safety distancing. The duration of each treatment is 30 minutes.

At the end of each session, the operator will ventilate the department, clean, and sanitize the station.

Massophysiotherapy Department:

To access the massage department, patients must sanitize their hands, wear a mask, take a cleansing shower, and wait to be called by the spa operator.

At the end of each session, the operator will ventilate the department, clean, and sanitize the used equipment.

Neuromotor Rehabilitation Department in the Gym and Thermal Pool:

Patients accessing the gym or the thermal rehabilitative pool, in addition to sanitizing their hands at the entrance of the department, wearing a mask, must take a cleansing shower and wait to be called by the spa operator.

The rehabilitation department in the gym can accommodate up to 3 patients at a time. The duration of each treatment may vary from 30 to 60 minutes. At the end of each session, the operator will ventilate the department, clean, and sanitize the equipment.

Inside the rehabilitative thermal pool, only one patient is allowed at a time. The patient must follow the instructions of the physiotherapist who will remain outside the pool. The physiotherapist can enter the pool only in cases where the patient is not self-sufficient. The duration of each treatment may vary from 30 to 60 minutes.
At the end of each session, the operator will ventilate the department, clean, and sanitize the equipment used.

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